Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What is painting?

Painting is a vision
Painting is visibility
Painting is silent poetry
Painting is learning to see
Painting is self made reality
Painting is self actualisation
Painting is personal freedom
Painting is iconic communication
Painting is the triumph of memory over time
Painting is a presentation of representations
Paintings is the intersection of the intentional and unintentional
Painting is about the ambiguity that exists between a real object, one's mental image of it and its painted   representation
Painting is not only knowledge but also the divine power capable of reproducing all of the Almighty's work that can be experienced and seen.

The best art amazes us because of what the artist has left out, not because of what he or she has put in. It is the artist's job to only put in the information that speaks to the relevant issues.
Painting is not just the practise of applying paint,pigment,colour or other medium to a surface, it is a potpourri of light, shadow, colour, volume, form, placing, distance, proximity movement and repose. It is a mode of expression. It manifests the conceptual intention of the practitioner.

Painting can be discussed in terms of evolution, techniques, movements, types, cultures but for me painting is more than all this. Everything i observe and feel needs a channel to be expressed and that channel for me is painting.What Henry Ward Beecher once said holds true for me, " Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures."

Two of my works:-